Have never really known how to respond when someone asks me where I'm from. Steps me back. Usually just itch my head and say whatever town or state I happen to be living in at the time. Never gave it much thought. Always been that way. Didn't matter. Didn't care. Never stayed in one place long enough to feel like a native of a specific region, culture, or tribe.
People are people. There is good and bad, beauty and ugliness every where you go. When you identify yourself as being an american, spaniard, german, african, jew, christian, islamist, republican, or socialist etc., you draw a line of division. Trace anyone's roots back to the source and you'll find that we are, in the end and from the beginning, one people. About what happened in Paris, the Dalai Lama said: "We need a systematic approach to foster humanistic values, of oneness and harmony. If we start doing it now, there is hope that this century will be different from the previous one. It is in everybody's interest. So let us work for peace within our families and society, and not expect help from God, Buddha or the governments." Comments are closed.
from and for Michael Dickes
October 2019